Quick bite: Searching for a Product Image
Erudus is a powerful data platform with a range of business-improving tools and solutions, and though we’ve made it as user-friendly as possible, we know it’s important to have a resource for our customers to get answers to their questions and learn how to use Erudus to it’s full advantage. Enter Knowledge Base, the user manual in which you can learn everything you’ll conceivably ever need to know about using Erudus.
So far we’ve covered:
- Adding a local code to a product
- Adding an Internal or Customer User to Your Wholesaler Account
- Adding a product
- Amending or editing a product
- Confirming your product data
- Copying a Product Specification
- Creating a Product Visibility Report
- Downloading all of your product specifications as a CSV file
- Finding Products With Allergen & Nutritional Data Search
- How to reset your password
- Interpreting CSV downloads
- Logging into Erudus for the first time
- Managing your Erudus email subscriptions
- Manufacturer Product Tour
- Managing uploaded images
- Removing a product
- Updating your Supplier profile details
- Uploading a Range List to Match Local Codes to Products
- Uploading images to Image Hub
- Uploading or adding an accreditation or certificates
- Using the Query Builder
This time we're turning our attention to “Searching for a Product Image”.
Step 1
Click on the Image Hub Button on the user dashboard.
Step 2
From the Image Hub dashboard, click the "Manage Images" button.
Step 3
The left sidebar will allow you to filter images in the Image Hub:
You can use the "Find & Select Product" button (1) to search for specific product images by name, supplier code and barcode.
You can use the "Image Type" dropdown menu (2) to filter images by one of the 10 image categories on the Image Hub including pack shots, lifestyle shots and logos.
Once you have selected your filters, click the blue "Update" button for them to take effect.
To view the image full size, click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the thumbnail (4).
Full Size Image View:
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