How Erudus can help you reduce food and packaging waste…
Waste, both food waste and waste packaging are big news in the food industry, and with even more legislation on the horizon they’re subjects that aren’t going anywhere. With that in mind, the first week of September now sees the celebration of ZeroWasteWeek, an award-winning, grassroots annual awareness campaign that takes place online and on-the-ground. And though getting to zero waste might be some way off, Erudus is helping our users reduce their waste output - from the kitchen to the warehouse. Check out how…
Making food go further with Erudus
Making the most of what you already have is a good habit to get into when it comes to cutting down on food waste - so we’ve rounded up our best stories for helping food last longer without compromising on hygiene and safety, to help you reduce costs and make your ingredients and dishes go further…
Read the story here.
Shelf Life
Best before dates, best before end, use by… we’ve all heard these terms thrown around and know that in the food industry they hold significance - because misjudging the shelf life of a food product is a fast way to food waste. That’s why we’ve put together a guide of all things associated with “Shelf Life” to make it easier to digest…
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Food Safety Cheat Sheet: Chilling Foods Guidance
Freezing and chilling food isn’t just good for avoiding food-poisoning causing bacteria, it’s the best way to slow down the process of it going off - extending the amount of time you have to use it and cutting down on potential waste. But there are correct and incorrect ways to freeze, defrost and chill foods safely, and with safety being of the utmost importance it’s crucial that those in the industry know best practices and stick to them. This cheat sheet will help you master the most important points to remember…
Read the story here.
All about Extended Producer Responsibility
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is new legislation being introduced in the UK as a reform of the existing UK Packaging Waste Regulations. Here’s everything you need to know, and how Erudus is going to help you comply…
Read the story here.
Erudus... Tracks Waste Packaging
Using the bare minimum of waste packaging is now something that can genuinely make you a little more attractive as a Manufacturer, and there are other benefits to tracking your waste packaging as well – you can calculate how much it is costing your company more easily, and help you adhere to waste packaging regulations. See how it works…
Read the story here.
New Update: New Packaging Model
Back in January we made a major upgrade to the Erudus platform, with lots of new features, enhancements and additions. One of the changes came in the form of a brand new packaging model - which will help our users track waste and recylability. In addition to the base material used for packaging, we are allowing Manufacturers to document the extended material e.g. if plastic is used what specific type of plastic it is, whether the packaging is recyclable and whether the packaging is returnable…
Read the story here.
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