Release Notes: New features, attributes, validations and system fixes
At Erudus we’re always looking to improve - to make life easier for our customers and progress further in our mission to make accurate food data more easily and quickly accessible to everyone who needs to see it. So we’re frequently introducing new features to the platform, and performing upgrades and fixes that keep things running smoothly and come as a direct response to any issues that our users are having. With that in mind, here’s what our team have been working on lately…
New Features
Manufacturer users
Unpublished changes - automatic save
When Manufacturer users edit a published specification on Erudus and then leave the Product Editor without publishing the changes, their unpublished changes will be saved for the next time they come to edit the specification. Products that have unpublished changes will have a grey pencil icon next to them in the products list on the Manufacturer’s dashboard.
Wholesaler users
Multiple product search added to Product Lists
The multiple product search feature that was removed from Erudus in January has been reintroduced in the Product Lists functionality. The Knowledge Base article for “Managing product lists” has been updated to include how to use this feature, and you can read it here.
All Users
Non food specifications
All users were temporarily unable to view specifications using the “Non Food” specification type and would receive a 500 error. This has now been resolved.
Show Resolved Errors resetting
When users were viewing the list of product errors they have submitted, and then applied the “Show Resolved Errors” filter to the list, changing the page would reset the filter. This has been resolved and the filter will now remain applied until removed by the user.
Manufacturer Users
Validation errors on ingredients declarations
Some users entering ingredients declarations were receiving a validation error notice, stating allergen ingredients had not been emphasised when they actually had been. This has been resolved.
Expired BRCGS accreditation alerts
Some users were receiving alerts prompting them to replace expired “BRCGS Certified” accreditation certificates when a BRCGS certificate for a specific standard had already been uploaded to replace it. This has now been fixed so that a specific BRCGS standard can replace a historic “BRCGS Certified” accreditation for the purpose of expiry alerts.
Emphasis on certain allergen ingredients
A validation on the Ingredients Declaration ensuring allergens were emphasised was allowing Milk, Sulphites/Sulphur Dioxide and Soya ingredients to publish without emphasis. This has been fixed so that emphasis is now required before successful publication of a specification.
Multiple private label products with the same code
Manufacturers were able to publish more than one product with the same Manufacturer product code to their account.
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New Enhancement: New accreditations list
ReadThis validation was bypassed if multiple private label products with the same code were in a pending state before being approved by a brand owner. This has been resolved and the system will flag a validation error when a duplicate code is detected on a Manufacturer’s account.
Wrongful unpublished changes notifications
An issue has been resolved wherein some Manufacturer’s product lists showed published products as having unpublished changes when there were no unpublished changes to the product. This should no longer happen.
Inaccurate accreditation expiry alerts
Some Manufacturers were incorrectly receiving accreditation expiry alerts for expired BRCGS certificates that had been replaced on their account. This has been fixed.
Allergen errors on Ingredients Declaration
The Erudus Ingredient declaration was not correctly validating Sulphites/Sulphur Dioxide, Soya and Milk ingredients correctly. This has been fixed and the presence of those allergens is being validated correctly.
Brackets on Health Marks
The “Health Marks” attribute in the Product Editor now accepts brackets. Some post-Brexit Health Marks use brackets - the attribute can accommodate them.
Label Users
Duplicate label codes on private label products
An issue that allowed duplicate label codes to be applied to private label products when approving them has now been fixed.
Emphasis on allergen ingredients
Ingredient declarations are validated to ensure that if there are allergens present in the declaration, at least 1 instance of emphasis (bold, italic, underline or CAPS) must be used in the declaration for the allergen.
New Attributes
Pallet Type
“Pallet Type” has been added to the pallet configuration area of product specifications on Erudus. This allows Manufacturers to declare whether the product is shipped on a Euro Pallet or a Standard UK Pallet. This attribute is mandatory if the product is a palletised product.
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New Enhancement: Validation engine upgrade
ReadNot for EU label
A “Does this product require a ‘Not for EU’ label?” attribute request has been added to the Other Information area of Erudus product specifications. This allows Manufacturers to declare if the product is not to be sold in the EU. This attribute is non-mandatory.
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New Feature - Revision & Version Control
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