New Enhancement: Validation engine upgrade
At September’s User Forum we announced the launch date (8th January 2024) for a whole slate of new additions and updates coming to Erudus. Well, the date is fast approaching and the time has come to learn more about them, so in the upcoming weeks we’re sharing some previews of what to expect.
This time we’re taking a closer look at a very exciting upgrade to the Erudus validation engine, sure to make Manufacturer users smile.
How have we upgraded the Erudus validation engine?
In order to minimise human error and maximise data integrity within Erudus, we are adding more automated validations to the Erudus validation engine. These validations being introduced are more sophisticated than they have been in the past, and use multiple attributes on specifications to validate claims and ensure the completeness of specifications.
What will this mean for inputting data for specifications?
In the simplest of terms, we’re putting less stringent rules around formatting.
Prior to this enhancement to the validation engine, ingredient declarations had to be formatted in a specific way so that Erudus could read the declarations in order to cross-reference ingredients present in a product with other claims being made on the product’s specification.
From the 8th January, instead of relying on specific formatting rules, our validation engine will tokenise ingredients in a declaration to be recognised regardless of punctuation and formatting rules. In short, Manufacturers will be able to use whatever ingredients declaration they have on pack without needing to consider the formatting for the Erudus validation engine - not only streamlining the data entry process, but reducing errors when submitting specifications for publication.
How do we still ensure the quality of the data with these less stringent formatting rules?
The tokenisation of individual ingredients allows us to take note of everything in an ingredients declaration without relying on specific punctuation and formatting rules.
Why are we making this change?
As ever, we have done this to make life easier for our users, and further ensure the integrity of data held on Erudus.
We understand that our Manufacturers want their specifications to display exactly what is on their pack (regardless of formatting), and these changes mean we are able to accept ingredients declarations from all sorts of places without causing headaches for users entering the data, while still maintaining top tier data integrity through our validations.
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ReadWhat are the main benefits of the upgraded validation engine for Erudus users?
API users take note - currently, the only way to emphasise any text in an Erudus ingredients declaration is using CAPS. On 8th January we are introducing a way for users to apply html bold tags to words in the declaration for emphasis, without needing to change the case of the characters. This is really useful if pulling the data from another database that uses HTML styling.
The main benefits are:
- Less errors when entering declarations
- No need to second guess whether a Declaration is formatted correctly
- Streamlining of the entire publication process
- Removal of any uncertainty of how to format a declaration correctly
What next?
For now, you don’t need to do anything. But be sure to check our News section regularly for exclusive previews and updates about all the exciting new features and improvements coming to Erudus.
You can also find out about upcoming webinars on the changes coming to Erudus by visiting our Events page.
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