Spring foods and drinks
What are spring foods? Well, foods such as seasonal vegetables (asparagus, artichokes, radishes, peas, spinach) and meats like lamb are associated with spring dining but we’ve decided to explore the delicious foods and drinks with spring in their names that are a perfect choice for menus this time of year.
They are:
- Spring onions
- Spring rolls
- Spring peas
- Spring chicken
- Spring water
- Spring greens
- Palm Springs cocktail
Now let’s find out more about them...
Spring onions
What are spring onions?
Spring onions are young onions that have been harvested before the bulb has swollen, and are sometimes known as scallions.
Spring onions can be eaten raw or cooked, both their bulbs (which can be either white or red) and green shoots are edible, and they have a flavour that is milder and sweeter than that of regular onions.
Top tip
Spring onions have a shorter shelf life than regular onions and should be used within 4-5 days of purchase.
Spring menu suggestion
Make a spring onion butter by mixing them with softened butter (use 4 chopped spring onions for every 100g butter), and serve alongside breads, scones and other baked goods like bagels for fresh spring zing.
Spring rolls
What are spring rolls?
Spring rolls are a popular Chinese and Southeast Asian food - commonly served as an appetiser or side dish. The exact ingredients can vary from region to region, but generally it is some combination of bean sprouts, cabbage, spices, pork and shrimp rolled up in a paper thin sheet of pastry made from a mixture of flour and water.
Top tip
For the crispiest spring rolls wrap them in damp parchment paper and refrigerate before frying.
Spring menu suggestion
Nothing says spring more than flowers, so add edible flowers to your spring rolls. Simply make them the top layer of your filling before rolling up.
Spring peas
What are spring peas?
Spring peas are an early maturing type of pea plant with heart-shaped leaves. The peas that come from the pods of these plants are the sweetest variety of pea.
Top tip
Both the peas and the pod that they come in are edible even when raw, so get experimenting!
Spring menu suggestion
Contrast the sweet and fragrant spring peas with salty, sharp pancetta for a side dish that’s fresh and moreish. Blanche the peas, gently fry the pancetta and toss both together with a red wine vinaigrette.
Spring chicken
What is spring chicken?
Whilst most people associate “spring chicken” with a description of a young person, spring chicken is also a food - namely a very young chicken less than 28 days old and around 750g in weight.
These chickens are only available during Spring.
Top tip
When serving spring chicken, keep it on the bone - it’s more flavourful that way.
Spring menu suggestion
Spring chicken makes a great ingredient for transitioning winter meals into those for spring - such as casseroles, soups and stews.
New potatoes, spring vegetables such as spring onions and spring peas can be stewed in chicken broth and herbs, alongside the chicken for the perfect mix of light and hearty.
Spring water
What is spring water?
Spring water is a type of water that comes from an underground source of known name and origin (it must be safe to drink right from the source), is not chemically treated and meets certain pollution-avoiding perimeter requirements.
Spring water is rich in nutrients and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Top tip
Spring water does actually have a distinctive taste - this is at its most intense at around 20 degrees celsius, though water is best for hydration at around 5-6 degrees celsius.
Spring menu suggestion
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Spring greens
What are spring greens?
Spring greens are young cabbage plants, harvested as early as late February through to the beginning of summer. They are sold as bunches or heads of thick, tender green cabbage leaves and taste slightly sweeter than regular cabbage.
Top tip
The best way to cook spring greens whilst retaining their flavour and nutrients (as well as avoiding an unpleasant smell) is to steam them.
Spring menu suggestion
Put a healthy spring twist on carbonara by mixing steamed spring greens into your chosen pasta before adding the sauce. Not only does it add nutrients but it looks great too.
Palm Springs cocktail
What is a Palm Springs cocktail?
Palm Springs is a cocktail named after the desert resort city in California. Its ingredients are fresh grapefruit juice, fresh lime juice, a spirit such as gin or vodka, cointreau (orange liqueur), soda water and ice.
Top tip
Garnish with hibiscus flowers for a spring feeling, or jalapeño slices for evening menus.
Spring menu suggestion
The refreshing ingredients in a Palm Springs cocktail make it a great choice for breakfast menus when served without alcohol.
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