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Best carrot recipes and menu ideas

The best carrot recipes for International Carrot Day coming right up! Carrots have to be in with a shout of the nation’s favourite vegetable - the base of sauces, stews mirepoix, a Sunday lunch staple, salad star, tasty side dish and carrot main dish recipes are surprisingly hearty too.

So in celebration of the celebration for the root vegetable we all love, we’ve rounded up the best carrot main dish recipes, carrot desserts and carrot snacks…

They are:

  • Carrot and ginger soup
  • Carrot and lentil burgers
  • Allergy-friendly carrot cake
  • Carrot hummus
  • Carrot and orange juice
  • Carrot crisps
  • Curried root vegetable casserole
  • Honey-glazed carrots
  • Carrot and ginger soup

Carrot and ginger soup

Carrot and ginger make for a soup full of zest, perfect for Spring. Additionally, this recipe is full of anti-inflammatory ingredients and helps support the immune system and shake off those last Winter colds. To make it, soften a chopped onion, 3 teaspoons of fresh grated ginger, and 2 minced garlic cloves over a low heat in a tablespoon of oil. After 5-7 minutes add half a teaspoon of turmeric and stir. Continue to heat for an extra 2 minutes, then add 750ml of vegetable or chicken stock, 500g carrots chopped into chunks and a drained can of butter, haricot or cannellini beans. Bring to the boil then simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Afterwards, blitz the mixture with a hand blender, simmer for a minute and then serve with a grating of nutmeg

Afterwards, blitz the mixture with a hand blender, simmer for a minute and then serve with a grating of nutmeg

What are carrots?

Carrots are a type of root vegetable notable for their orange colour - though they can also be purple, white, red or even black or white. In England we mainly eat domestic carrots, which come from the wild carrot Daucus carota native to Europe (and Southwest Asia), harvested year round but especially in Summer. Carrots are rich in many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and beta-carotene, which helps maintain eye health (hence the ageing rumour of carrots helping you to see in the dark).

Carrot and lentil burgers

Carrot and lentil patties are a great healthy spin on the traditional burger, as well as a tasty vegetarian choice (to make them suitable for vegans substitute the Egg for one of the substitutes here link to story).

Start by softening a finely chopped onion in oil in a frying pan, after 5-7 minutes stir in a teaspoon of cumin, a teaspoon of ground coriander and a teaspoon of paprika, then stir in 125g of grated carrots, and cook for 5 minutes on a low heat. Transfer to a bowl and mix in 2 drained tins of green lentils and a large tablespoon of tomato puree, then 100g of slightly stale (but not hard) wholemeal breadcrumbs and 1 egg (or a vegan alternative).

Fashion this mixture into 8 patties, transfer to a greased baking tray and bake in a preheated oven (190 degrees celsius) for 15 minutes.

Are carrots an allergen?

No, carrots are not among the 14 major food allergens.

Allergylicious Allergy Friendly Carrot Cake Recipe

Carrot cake is hard to beat for morning, afternoon and even evening snacking, the halfway house between sweet and savoury that proves a draw on every menu that it features on. And this version by Allergylicious is free from all 14 of the major food allergens and consequently can be enjoyed by just about everyone. Because no one should miss out on carrot cake! Find the recipe, complete with downloadable Recipe Card including allergen and nutritional information and Reference Intake here.

Are carrots better cooked or raw?

Carrots are nutritionally better cooked, as cooked carrots have broken down their cell walls and make vitamins and minerals such as carotenoids easier for the body to absorb.

However, some people prefer the crunch and flavour of raw carrots.

Carrot hummus

Hummus makes a fantastic starter or snack, served alongside bread or even crudites such as carrot sticks. To make the fabulously bright and cheery looking carrot hummus par boil 5 large carrots chopped into chunks in water for 10-15 minutes till soft, then drain and blitz in a food processor alongside 4-5 tablespoons of tahini paste, 1 drained tin of chickpeas and your choice of oil (2 tablespoons). Add a squeeze of lemon juice, stir and then add a teaspoon of cumin, paprika and turmeric to taste.

You may also need to add a few tablespoons of warm water to loosen the hummus and create a nice smooth texture.

Allergen alert!

Tahini is made from Sesame, one of the 14 major food allergens.

Are carrots better baked or boiled?

Roasted carrots are generally considered to be better tasting than carrots cooked via another method - roasting adds a caramelised crust whilst bringing out the vegetable’s natural sweetness.

Boiling carrots is thought to drain them of their nutrients, but steaming them preserves their vitamins and minerals and is likely the healthiest way to cook them.

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Carrot and orange juice

Carrot and orange juice packs the 1-2 punch of flavour and vitamins, as well as being a beautiful vibrant hue perfect for waking up on sleepy mornings. Put oranges and carrots through a food processor (2 parts oranges to 1 parts carrots e.g 10 oranges to 5 carrots) then strain through a fine sieve and add a squeeze of lime juice for a tasty post-workout drink or afternoon kick.

Are carrots good for you?

Carrots are very good for you - they are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium. They are full of antioxidants, which prevent cell damage and improve a person’s health, and are especially known for their carotenoids, which help maintain eye health and the immune system among other things.

Carrot crisps

A colourful and healthy alternative to potato chips, carrot crisps are the snack that stands out. To make them, simply slice carrots into discs (as many carrots as required) then coat them in olive oil and season with rock salt and pepper. Bake in a hot oven until crispy (usually around 20 minutes) and allow to cool before serving.

The Flexitarian’s Curried Root Vegetable Casserole

Root vegetables are a great choice for vegan dishes as they are both hearty and plant-based. Carrots are one of the most popular root vegetables and a major ingredient in this light yet filling casserole by The Flexitarian. Because no one should miss out on carrot cake! Find the recipe, complete with downloadable Recipe Card including allergen and nutritional information and Reference Intake here.

Are carrots sweet or savoury?

Whilst carrots are a vegetable - and vegetables are generally considered savoury, carrots are among the sweetest vegetables. Around 10% of a carrot is sugar.

Honey glazed carrots

The perfect addition to roast dinners and side dish to meats such as steak, honey glazed carrots are a deceptively simple recipe. Mix 1 part oil, 1 part honey, 1 part white wine vinegar with a clove of minced garlic and sprinkle rosemary. Then chop 5-6 carrots julienne, bring to the boil in a pan of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain and place on a baking tray, coat in the glaze and roast in the oven at 180 degrees celsius for 20 minutes.

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