Release Notes November: New features, attributes, validations and system fixes to Erudus
At Erudus we’re always looking to improve - to make life easier for our customers and progress further in our mission to make accurate food data more easily and quickly accessible to everyone who needs to see it. So we’re frequently introducing new features to the platform, and performing upgrades and fixes that keep things running smoothly and come as a direct response to any issues that our users are having. With that in mind, here’s what our team have been working on lately…
New Features
All users
Quick Search feature
When using the Quick Search feature users are now presented with a list of visible products available to them - listed in order of when the product was last updated.
Wholesaler users
Additional filters in product catalogue
In a Wholesaler’s product catalogue, additional filters have now been added to allow the Wholesaler to view products in their range that:
- Have had a major change
- Have had a minor change
- Have had an update dismissed
- Require review
All Users
Downloading Product Lists as PDFs
Some users attempting to download Product Lists as a PDF were being advised the file was being generated and never completed. This has been resolved - Product Lists can be downloaded as PDFs without issue.
404 and 500 errors when downloading CSV files
There was an issue with downloading CSV files - 404 and 500 errors were occurring when downloading a CSV in any other format than default. This has been resolved and all CSV formats should download without an error..
Camera icon on product specifications
When viewing product specifications without images, the grey camera icon was disabled and wouldn’t take users to the Image Hub (unlike when the icon was green and images were present on the specification). Now, clicking the camera icon on the spec - regardless of image presence, will take the user to the Image Hub for that product listing.
Freezing on CSV downloads
CSV downloads have been freezing at 99% completion, and not finishing the download. This has been resolved.
Manufacturer Users
Address field on Product Editor
The default option for the “Address” dropdown in the Product Editor was previously blank - which caused confusion when completing specifications. The default option for the “Address” dropdown now declares the registered company address as the default address on the specification.
Cancelling scheduled publications of a draft product
Users were receiving 500 errors when trying to cancel the scheduled publication of a draft product. This has been resolved - now when cancelling scheduled publication of a draft, the product will revert back to the draft state.
Copying specifications with scheduled changes/publication
Trying to copy a specification with scheduled changes/publication was resulting in a 404 error. This has been amended so copying a product with a future publication date will now copy the future version to a new draft.
Specification view when approving a pending product
When approving a pending product, users were finding that the specification view was the basic specification - making it difficult to review all specification data before approval. This has been changed so that going forward, when approving a pending specification the full specification is displayed.
Wholesaler Users
Local codes on replacement draft products
Wholesalers were being wrongly allowed to apply a local code to a draft product, if that draft was a replacement product for one in the Wholesaler’s catalogue. This has been resolved and Wholesalers now have no visibility of any draft products.
Product updates on archived products
Products that had been archived were not being displayed in the Product Updates counter on the Wholesaler Dashboard. Changes have now been made to the way in which archived products are handled in a Wholesalers product catalogue, so that a product being archived is logged as a product change.
Errors in notifications for admin users
Wholesale admin users were being falsely notified they had a product update to action if a product in their catalogue had a future scheduled change date. This has been fixed - Wholesale admin users will now only be notified of the product update when the update occurs.
Wholesale admin users were not being notified in the Product Update counter when a product in their catalogue had been archived by a Manufacturer. This has been amended so that when a Manufacturer archives a product it will be recorded as a product update.
Caterer Users
Purchase History downloads
Some Caterers were unable to download their purchases when a Wholesaler assigned a Purchase History to them. This has been resolved and all Caterer users can now download Purchase Histories in CSV and PDF format without issue.
Diet suitability in Recipe Builder
Recipes created in the Recipe Builder were not displaying the correct diet suitability, based on the status of the ingredients added to the recipe. Provided all ingredients state they are suitable or certified for a specific dietary suitability, the recipe will now display the correct suitability status.
Sodium content in Menu Planner
When adding recipes to the Menu Planner, sodium content for recipes was being presented in grams instead of milligrams - causing menu plans to greatly exceed the sodium target. This has been corrected so now sodium values are presented as milligrams.
Emphasised words on Ingredients Declarations in Recipe Builder
The Ingredient Declaration generated by the Recipe Builder under the “Label Information” area of the recipe editor was not displaying emphasis correctly when HTML tags were used. This has been fixed - a plain text declaration is now displayed with any emphasised words being displayed in all caps for emphasis.
Label Users
Label codes on archived products
Label admins were receiving an error when approving a pending product using a label code applied to an archived product. This has been resolved and Erudus will no longer validate label codes against products held in the archive.
New Attributes
Pallet GTIN
Erudus has introduced the “Pallet GTIN” attribute in the pallet information on a specification. This attribute is non-mandatory for Manufacturers to complete.