The best foods for stress relief
Mental health can be greatly affected by what we choose to put in our body. Everyone knows that too much sugar and alcohol will lead to blood sugar spikes, crashes and generally some negative side effects, but what about foods that reduce stress and anxiety?
Healthy body healthy mind as the saying goes. So we put together a list of the top 10 foods and drinks for stress relief. They are:
- Matcha
- Shellfish
- Dark chocolate
- Chamomile tea
- Nuts
- Prebiotic foods
- Salmon
- Chickpeas
- Water
- Berries
Now let’s find out more about them...
Why is matcha good for combatting stress?
An edible powder made by finely grinding very young tea leaves, matcha has many stress-relieving properties. It is one of the best sources of the non-protein amino acid L-theanine, which has been shown to reduce stress levels so long as it is not combined with caffeine.
Serving suggestion
Mix a spoonful of matcha powder into a smoothie, blending ingredients such as spinach, berries, apples, and fresh ginger - a drink that’s not only calming but healthy and packed with vitamins too.
Why are shellfish good for combatting stress?
Shellfish, particularly mussels, clams, oysters and scallops contain a combination of amino acids (including taurine) that stimulate the production of dopamine, a molecule that manages stress response and prompts the body to feel satisfied.
Additionally, shellfish is rich in vitamins and minerals that have mood-boosting effects, such as magnesium, B12 and zinc.
Serving suggestion
Moules mariniére, also known as mussels in garlic and wine, is a traditional Belgian dish. It includes stress-busting ingredients such as mussels and garlic, alongside comfort foods like butter. The perfect food for relaxing.
Allergy alert!
Shellfish is an umbrella term for fish that has a shell. Most, such as oysters and mussels, are Molluscs. Some people consider lobsters and crabs to be shellfish, these are Crustaceans. Both Crustaceans and Molluscs are among the 14 major food allergens.
Dark chocolate
Why is dark chocolate good for combatting stress?
Many people turn to chocolate when looking for comfort, and it turns out that’s not just because it tastes delicious.
Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants, including polyphenols, which have many benefits for the body (such as protective effects against various brain diseases), among them mood regulation and improved cognitive function.
The antioxidants and chemical compounds in chocolate boost the body’s levels of serotonin, a natural mood stabiliser.
It’s important to note that milk chocolate or any chocolate with sugar in the ingredients will not have the same calming effect as dark chocolate - sugar spikes blood sugar levels, leading to a mood crash.
Serving suggestion
Enjoy a few squares of dark chocolate as an afternoon snack, or alongside a cup of tea. Taking time to enjoy the chocolate will also have a calming effect on the mind.
Allergy alert!
Good quality dark chocolate should not contain any Milk (unlike other varieties of chocolate), but it is best to check the ingredients label to make sure.
Chamomile tea
Why is chamomile tea good for combatting stress?
Chamomile tea has long been used as a calming beverage, and even a mild sedative (though there is no scientific evidence that it sedates people). It has a soothing flavour and aroma, and even the ritual of sitting down with a hot cup of chamomile tea can have a calming effect - even if it’s just psychological.
Additionally, chamomile tea is caffeine free - caffeine can spike adrenaline and blood-sugar, raising stress levels in the body.
Serving suggestion
Add a slice of lemon to chamomile tea - it will bring out the flavour, and give a little hit of immune-system boosting vitamin C - essential for feeling healthy and happy.
Why are nuts good for combatting stress?
Nuts are an excellent source of good fatty acids and magnesium, which is thought to manage stress response and lower cortisol levels in the body.
They are also full of B vitamins, which have many health benefits, among them the lowering of cholesterol and blood pressure - reducing physical stress on the body.
Walnuts in particular are thought to be good for managing anxiety, due to containing neuro-supportive compounds such as melatonin.
Serving suggestion
Sprinkle walnuts and almonds into homemade oatmeal, made with milk and steel-cut oats for a breakfast that will get the day off to a calm and low-stress start, as well as keeping you full until lunch time.
Allergy alert!
(Tree) nuts, including walnuts, almonds, cashews and macadamia nuts are among the 14 major food allergens.
Prebiotic foods
Why are prebiotic foods good for combatting stress?
Prebiotic foods, such as mushrooms, onions, and garlic, have a positive effect on the body’s gut microbiota.
This in turn can reduce the severity of anxiety and stress symptoms.
They are also thought to help regulate sleeping patterns - tiredness is a major contributor to stress.
Serving suggestion
Make a mushroom risotto - this dish has a base of onions and garlic, features mushrooms as a main ingredient and once cooked has a rich, buttery texture that makes this dish fantastic comfort food.
Why is salmon good for combatting stress?
Salmon is known for being one of the best sources of omega 3, the fatty acids crucial to brain health. The omega 3 works in several ways when it comes to managing stress - firstly it keeps cortisol (known as “the stress hormone”) levels under control, and stabilises the body's levels of adrenaline.
They also contain amino acids that help avoid mood swings.
Serving suggestion
Poached salmon is a tasty and healthy choice - the cooking method doesn’t require additional calorific ingredients for it to be moist and tender, and the low cooking temperature keeps the omega 3 fatty acids intact.
Allergy alert!
Salmon is a Fish. Fish is one of the 14 major food allergens.
Why are chickpeas good for combatting stress?
The main reason that chickpeas are good for combatting stress is their high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid used by the body to produce serotonin, the chemical that makes people feel happy.
An absence of serotonin can make someone feel anxious or stressed.
Chickpeas also contains carbohydrates, which speed up the process of tryptophan being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Like other legumes, chickpeas are a good source of folate, a vitamin that helps the brain regulate moods.
Serving suggestion
Use roasted chickpeas to bulk up a salad. Not only are they both a good source of protein and carbohydrates, combined with ingredients such as oily fish, onions and leafy greens, it makes for a healthy, stress-relieving meal.
Why is water good for combatting stress?
Water is essential for all elements of health. Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration, and dehydration means the increase of cortisone (the “stress hormone”) in the body - exacerbating stress and anxiety.
Serving suggestion
Go for sparkling water - bubbles make liquid enter the bloodstream faster, and garnish with a couple of stress-busting berries.
Why are berries good for combatting stress?
Like other stress-relieving foods, berries are rich in antioxidants - acting as an inflammatory and lowering the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Blueberries in particular are thought to be great for managing stress and anxiety, as they are thought to reduce oxidative stress in the brain, and reduce - or at least positively impact those symptoms associated with stress and anxiety.
Serving suggestion
Add berries to sparkling water, home made muesli and steel-cut oats to combine with other stress-relieving ingredients to create a food or drink that is healthy and refreshing or satisfying.