Release Notes January: New features, attributes, validations and system fixes to Erudus
At Erudus we’re always looking to improve - to make life easier for our customers and progress further in our mission to make accurate food data more easily and quickly accessible to everyone who needs to see it. So we’re frequently introducing new features to the platform, and performing upgrades and fixes that keep things running smoothly and come as a direct response to any issues that our users are having. With that in mind, here’s what our team have been working on lately…
New Features
All Users
Searching Product Lists
Users can now search for products in any of their product lists using the search bar at the top of the list. Users can search for products using the Product's Name, GTIN, Manufacturer's Product Code or Erudus ID.
Manufacturer Users
Cancelling Future Publish Dated Changes
The future publication functionality has been enhanced so now when a future scheduled publication of a draft is cancelled, the user will be taken back to the editor to make the necessary changes without losing data.
Wholesaler Users
Redownload Customer Purchase History Records
Wholesalers can now redownload a customer purchase history record that has been uploaded to make amends before re uploading. The Knowledge Base article Managing Your Customer Purchase History has been updated to explain this functionality.
Download Customer Purchase Histories
Wholesalers can now search their customer purchase history records and download them in PDF and CSV format through the “Customer Purchases” tab on the Wholesaler Dashboard. The Knowledge Base article Downloading a Customers Purchase History Data has been published to explain this functionality.
Automatically Step Local Codes To The Latest Product Version
Wholesaler Admin users can now apply settings to their product catalogue to automatically step their product codes to the latest version of a product based on the type of change that occurs. Wholesalers can now auto step their codes to the latest version when either:
- A minor change occurs
- A major or minor change occurs
A Knowledge Base article has been published to guide users how to apply these settings titled Automatic Version Stepping For Product Codes (Major or Minor).
Manufacturer Users
500 Errors When Reviewing Product Error Alerts
Manufacturers were sometimes presented with a 500 error when trying to review their product error alerts list. This has been fixed and users can now view product errors without issue.
500 Errors When Editing Unarchived Products
There was an issue that caused users to experience a 500 error when editing a product that had been unarchived. This has been resolved and users can now edit products without receiving errors.
Wholesaler Users
Visibility Of Disabled Manufacturers
Disabled Manufacturers were visible in a Wholesaler's Manufacturer management list. This has been fixed so now Wholesalers have no visibility of disabled Manufacturers.
500 Errors When Viewing Accredidations and ESG
Wholesalers were receiving a 500 error when trying to view their Manufacturer accreditations and ESG reporting. This has been fixed so no errors occur when trying to view these reports.