Erudus Update: Issues resolved, amendments made due to user feedback and more…
As you will be aware, on the 8th of January 2024 Erudus received a suite of major updates to enhance functionality for all users. Many of these changes and new features were a direct result of user feedback and overall, we’ve been delighted with the positive responses received following the updates.
Of course, the final stage of the update is the road-testing of the new features by our users - and now that’s been able to happen, we can start finalising the update by using the feedback provided by our customers.
With that in mind, we’d like to give a special thanks to each and every user who has taken time to give their opinion on the update, or reported a bug they’ve encountered to Erudus Support.
Amended features
Having taken our user feedback and suggestions into consideration, the following features that were available at launch have since been amended or disabled:
- An attempt to standardise the display names of products in the Data Pool by concatenating several attributes for a consistent experience has been disabled. However, a standardised product name using the same convention is still available on the finished specification.
- Automatic allergen emphasis in ingredient declarations has been disabled. While this was implemented with the intention of improving data integrity and minimising human error within the Data Pool, in practice our end users have found it created inconsistencies between how an ingredients declaration was displayed on pack vs an Erudus specification.
Kinks that have now been ironed out
As is to be expected with any major software update, Erudus has not been immune to the introduction of bugs in the system - but we can assure you that any and all bugs that are reported are escalated to our developers for investigation and resolution.
Below is a list of issues that some users may have experienced in the first few days post update that have since been resolved:
- Query Builder returning products that did not meet the criteria selected for the query
- HFFS Status of a product being displayed numerically instead of human-readable “Yes” and “No” responses
- The Product Editor for Manufacturers prompting some users to complete the non-mandatory field “Change On Date”, causing published changes to be delayed in the Data Pool
- “Allergen Statement on Pack” attribute on a completed specification not displaying associated data unless the attribute “Additional Allergen Information” was also complete
- Users associated with particular accounts not being able to log in
- Manufacturers being unable to create multipack specifications
- Certain validation errors appearing that were unresolvable, preventing publication of a specification
- Wholesalers can now dismiss archived products from their product updates list on their dashboard
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ReadIssues still in the process of being resolved
While we are working hard to ensure that all reported bugs and issues are resolved as soon as possible, there are some that are receiving priority status. As reported to us by our users, chief among them is the inability to download CSV files of product data, or upload CSV files for customer purchase histories. This is only affecting larger CSV files, so not all users are affected.
We are also aware that in a small number of instances, the Product Editor for Manufacturers still displays validation error text after a validation error has been resolved. Despite this, as long as the data is correct, users can still publish specifications with the presence of error text in the Product Editor. The real time validations are being optimised to ensure that these instances of error text not being cleared no longer occur and you will see this improve over time.
Still having issues?
Rest assured that we are feeding all reported bugs to our developers for investigation and resolution. In those few instances where an immediate solution is not available we would encourage any user still encountering problems to contact Erudus Support via or on 0333 121 89 99 detailing what the issue is and any associated error messages that you may be receiving so the issue can be rectified as soon as possible.
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