Up Close: Downton Distillery
Is there a more beloved national tipple than gin? From the humble gin and tonic to the myriad of specialist gins that have popped up over the past decade, the stock of this juniper-based beverage has never been higher. And its popularity has allowed small, artisan distilleries to flourish - enter Downton Distillery, who craft exceptional spirits, using locally sourced produce made in the heart of the Wiltshire Downs.
Launched at the end of 2018, Downto Distillery doesn’t limit itself to traditional gin - in fact, innovation, the unexplored and unexpected are at the heart of the company. Explains founder Hugh Anderson “The brand is about adventure, trying new things, travel, working alongside new and inspiring individuals.
We have partnered with several adventures and explorers telling their stories - after all, adventure begins with a little spirit. All our spirits also have unique twists in the botanicals that I use.”
We caught up with Hugh to find out more about how Downton Distillery’s location is central to what they do, why their gin is helping save an endangered bird, and how they got involved with royal patronage...
Downton Distillery started simply - with a love of gin
Hugh says: “The ember of Downton Distillery was sown when I took (my partner) Meike - whose drink of choice has been gin for many years, to a gin making course at the City of London Distillery for her birthday. I was fascinated by the whole experience - the history, the chemistry aspect and being able to create something unique and subsequently drink it!
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ReadFollowing this course, I got our first alembic still and started experimenting and learning as much as I could about the whole process. Downton Distillery launched at the end of 2018.”
And now they’re contributing to a gin market more exciting than ever
Hugh says: “The demographic for gin has evolved over time, and can vary by region, brand, and type of gin. Traditionally, gin was associated with older adults, but in recent years it has seen a resurgence among younger consumers. We wanted to inspire our consumers to do something different, give them a desire to explore, perhaps escape their current constraints and try something new.”
Location and history feature significantly in the company’s identity
Hugh says: “Wiltshire has a rich tapestry of history dating back to the Middle Stone Age. A prehistoric settlement was found in the area of Downton dating back to 4,000BC. Since then, the Romans, Britons, Saxons, Vikings and Normans have all found themselves within this small village. However, the inspiration came from a character who was an adventurer, explorer, privateer, soldier, poet and a court favourite of Queen Elizabeth I - Sir Walter Raleigh. He travelled out to the New World whilst living in Downton.”
They boast a small but mighty range
Hugh says: “There are 2 gins [in our range], 2 grape based spirits and a walnut liqueur. The products all celebrate a different aspect of Wiltshire’s heritage. Explorer’s is all about Sir Walter, Great Bustard supports critically endangered birds only found on Salisbury Plain (as recently showcased on Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch). Our Marc and Chardonnay Vodka (both World Drink Award Winners) celebrate the grapes grown on our very own vineyards!”
Downton Distillery pride themselves on innovation and invention
Hugh says: “I think liking to cook and understanding how things can pair and complement each other gives you a head start [on creating new products]. I have a large list of what I would like to do, so ideas are never short. I design spirits for James May, and he likes to give fun briefs. How many [people] have created spirits with parsnip, beetroot, mustard, gherkin, tomato and mushroom? These are found across several different spirits but each and everyone of them has won something in the international awards.
And their new variety of gin is proving to be an award-winning hit
Hugh says: “Of old, our bestseller would have been Explorer’s Gin, with its beautiful bottle and true back story. But our new ‘Great Bustard Gin’ is proving to be hit. In the recent IWSC competition it was one of 50 gins to win a gold medal out of over 1,100 gins! This places it into the top 0.5% and the judges commented that it was the ‘One of the Best releases from the UK in the past 12 months.
A percentage of the sales are going towards the Great Bustard Conservation Group, of which King Charles III is the Patron - he might have a bottle…”
Environmentally aware production and packaging play a big role
Hugh says: “We have clear goals within our sustainability programme, which can be found on the website. We have 2 environmental programmes running in the background - rewilding juniper on the Wiltshire Downs, and new habitats for the Great Bustards. Whilst we may not be B Corp we are Green Small Business Certified, and were the first spirits brand to be certified “Ethical” by the Good Shopping Guide.
All our gins have refill pouch options, which means customers can keep their bottles for life. They buy our refills at a flat cost and can then send them back to us (free) for us to reuse. Our packaging is plastic-free, and all our botanicals are recycled within the vineyard.”
And the company also takes allergies into consideration
Hugh says: “Allergies are something that should never be overlooked, and something that I do consider when distilling. A London Dry Gin should be a safe spirit - as the various allergen particles are too heavy for vapour format and therefore cannot pass the swan neck when distilling. But should you blend or add to your base gin, you should be aware of what allergies can be triggered by the new botanicals. It is something I am very aware about, and we do have 2 products that have nuts.
These are the hazelnut vodka and nocino. All our equipment that uses nuts is clearly marked up and placed away from other equipment - so there is no chance of cross-contamination. I also ensure any spirits with nuts are clearly shown on the website.”
Downton Distillery’s Great Bustard Gin has a royal connection
Hugh says: “The great bustard was hunted to extinction in 1832 (in the UK), and in 1998 a conservation programme was started to reintroduce these birds into their former habitat - which was Salisbury Plain. King Charles became Patron of the Charity this year, having [also] been Patron whilst Prince of Wales.
Last year I approached the charity proposing to create a gin using several botanicals found within the bustard’s diet. The gin would also help raise awareness for the charity and monies for new habitats.”
The company’s proudest moment was broadcast nationwide
Hugh says: “Downtown Distillery’s proudest moment was having 3 of the products that I have designed be shown on [Channel 4 television show] Sunday Brunch. These include Explorer's Gin, Great Bustard Gin and a gin that I designed for James May. Other memorable milestones include designing and helping launch the James May Gin brand, and launching our bottle for life programme in 2021 - where customers only buy their bottle once.”
The next year looks set to be a big one
Hugh says: “In the next year we plan to continue raising awareness for the Great Bustard Charity, and also look at the export market and working with overseas partners.”
They expect Erudus will open some new doors...
Hugh says: “Erudus provides a platform where we can easily provide and share our products through a common framework that is accepted within the industry. This in turn, I hope, opens new doors for future partnerships.”
...and help Downton Distillery better achieve their goals
Hugh says: “Simplifying what can be a complex maze to navigate within the beverage sector, demonstrating valuable insights into consumer preferences and market dynamics - helping me to make informed business decisions and stay competitive.
Managing allergens is crucial for consumer safety and compliance, and Erudus provides detailed allergen information, helping companies to accurately label their products and inform consumers with allergies, thus avoiding potential health risks and liability issues. Providing greater transparency to future Downton Distillery customers and partners about our products' ingredients and nutritional content can help us build trust and enhance the company's reputation in the market.”
Downton Distillery's top 3 tips for a budding drinks brand starting out
Hugh says: “ 1 - focus on unique branding and storytelling, differentiation is key in the competitive spirits market. 2 - quality and innovation are crucial for success. 3 - build strong relationships and leverage marketing.
You can find out more about Downton Distillery at their website here.
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